
Excellent Intern of the year 2011

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Elena Samonova from Russia participated in our Human Rights and Research program. She was a Mater leavel student of Fern universitat in Hegen, University in Germany. She spent three months April till July 2011 with us and visited to Dang District of Western Part of Nepal for doing  research.  Our program coordinator also had gone with her to the field for assisting to complet her master thesis.

We are proud to share that She has published a book named Verkaufte Kinder: Sklaverei in Nepal. Untersuchung der Kindersklaverei im Kamaiya System (In English, Sold children: slavery in Nepal. Research of child slavery in Kamaiya system ) based on her research. We want to congraluate her again for her excellent job.

About the book:

This book presents results of the research of child bonded labour in Nepal that was conducted in Nepal from April till July 2011.

The focus of research was the Kamaiya system of bonded labour and especially the phenomena of so called “Kamalari” – child (mostly girls) bonded labourers. The book gives a short overview of history, structure of Kamaiya system and different types of work that are possible within this system.

It presents also the analysis of contemporary situation with child bonded labour in Nepal as well as of actions taken by the government of Nepal, international organizations (like ILO) and national and international NGOs to combat this problem. In the conclusion you can find some suggestions for raising the efficacy of actions against bonded labour.